
01/04/2022 - 1/07/2022 (WEEK1-WEEK14)

BEH YOKE TING (0346704)
Collaborative Design Practice




This module involves students with live projects in collaboration with companies or joint projects with other schools or faculties where they will be able to acquire hands-on experiences such as writing creative briefs, creating user experience designs, producing prototypes or mock-ups for user-testing or taking part in award and competition submissions, attending and conducting conferences and other similar events. 


For this project, we were told to collaborate on projects based on the SOSEA (Sabah Social Entrepeneurs Association)
. This is a group project and the challenge here is how do we solve the enterprise problem with our skills. 

After communicating with my classmate, we form into a five-person group within this list: 

Group members | Specializations
Li Ho Yan | Graphic design
Lew Yan Shan | Graphic design
Lee Sean | Graphic design
Chee Jia Yang | UI/UX 
Beh Yoke TIng(Me) | Animation 

After the briefing module, we assigned In collaboration with KOKOLOKO. And we have some research and review before we get into a meeting with the Kokoloko enterprise. As we know, KOKO LOKO is a local business founded in 2018 that sells healthy cocoa-based snacks from Sabah, Malaysia. The company values green initiatives, their net profits will go towards Greening the Earth projects. 
Fig 1 KOKOLOKO existing logo

We found out that KOKOLOKO had its own online business on Facebook and Instagram, which is lack a well-design and consistent brand style. 

Fig 1.1 KOKOLOKO Instagram

I was pleasantly surprised when I learned from the content that the founder & CEO of Koko Loko is an 11-year-old boy. This makes me very interested to learn about the origin and story of Koko Loko. I have reviewed the introduction video from youtube, and getting more understanding about this brand, this will helps a lot for the afterward design.
Fig 1.2 Introduction video
Fig 1.3 Interview with Redbox studio

Fig 1.4 Booth in SICC

Feedback:  Do some company research and review. Understand their brand and think the question that needs to ask the enterpriser.


In the first meeting with KOKOLOKO enterprise, we get from information about this company and also pain points from Boomboom (NICKNAME). We understand that they need a brand style from their online platform to promo. They had some trouble creating a proper online shop and well-design packaging. To understand more requirements from KOKOLOKO(for brand style design/art direction), we plan to create a questionnaire.
Fig 1.5 Questionnaire
This questionnaire is the result of everyone's discussion. The purpose is to know the enterpriser's requirements of the brand style, story, setting, and result for this brand. As we can see, the enterprise wishes to have fun but premium, down-to-earth and passionate feelings. This makes me think about the M&m bean style. I have noticed that enterprise emotion when talking about the logo design, he probably wants to keep his son's design elements, so in the discussion time with groupmates, we discuss to keep the feel and element of the logo and refine it.
Fig 1.6 M&m bean
At the same time, I created a Miro and invite my groupmates. We work together to create the project document and think about the problem statement.

Fig 1.7 Problem statement

Feedback: We might need to start the design process early seeing Kokoloko needs a packaging design done ASAP before the June event start. Send the questionnaire if done. 


Around week 3, we get an intro deck and text file from Boomboom. The intro deck is about the detail of the Kokoloko operation (event/activity), and the text file is the CEO's self-introduction and how the story began.
Fig 2 Intro deck
Fig 2.1 Text file
After we get this information, we start working on an empathy map and start working on the presentation slide. I work more on the empathy map and some challenge analysis because after reviewing their profile, I have enough understanding of these points. In this progress, we faced a problem in which we don't know the answer to 'What do they hear', and we forgot that we can get the answer from comments and reviews.

Fig 2.2 Empathy map

Feedback:  Think widely, go check on the Facebook/ Instagram profile and get the customer comments. Done the task1/2.

Next to do: Presentation slide (TASK 1/2), finalise empathy map


This week, we had a meeting at night and worked together to do the presentation slide and project document. We did a mistake in which we combined the task in a slide, so after the presentation, we solve it within 1 hour.

Fig 3 Task 1

Fig 3.1 Task 2

Feedback: Kind of disappointed as we haven't made any progress on the design yet. 

Next to do: We will discuss the art direction, style, and logo design.

Experiences: I was pleasantly surprised and curious when I know the age of the KOKOLOKO founder. In exploring their story, I think there are many advantages of this brand, they help other farmers to plant and hold some activities for people to participate in. I really like this brand, and I'm looking forward to the follow-up design development and what kind of changes we can bring.

While learning about the brand, I noticed at first sight that the design of the logo almost lacks aesthetics, in terms of font, layout, and size. When reviewing their Facebook/Instagram profiles, I also found that their profiles have almost no consistent brand style. This is somehow we need to change.
My communication skill needs to improve. 
I understand that I'm too quiet during meetings because my thoughts are mostly the same as the team members, which is a problem if I'm too quiet all the time. I will be more involved in communication in the future.
