
01/04/2022 - 1/07/2022 (WEEK1-WEEK14)

Beh Yoke Ting (0346704)
Rhyanne Cyrene Lowe (0347077)
Chee Jia Yang (0339310)

UX Design


WEEK 1: What is UX Research?
  1. Empathy
    • Putting yourself in others' shoes
    • Be the user/ client
  2. Define
    • What needs improvement
    • What's missing
  3. Ideate
    • What are the changes 
    • Meet the brand guidelines
    • Make analysis
  4. Prototype
  5. Test on Low Fidelity
  6. Test on High Fidelity


TASK 1- MyCEB Website Analysis

We were asked to research the client's profile as well as study the client's current website interface to better understand the client and how we can help them improve their brand identity. We divided the task between our members and collected information on the client. After doing so, we compiled the information onto a presentation slide.

TASK 2- MyCEB Website Redesign

We were asked to create our own rendition of the MyCEB website's homepage. We were given prompts and additional information regarding the look and feel of the website as a starting point for us to have a better understanding of the final outcome. 

TASK 3- MyCEB Website Redesign

We were asked to create our own rendition of the MyCEB website's homepage. We were given prompts and additional information regarding the look and feel of the website as a starting point for us to have a better understanding of the final outcome. 

TASK 4- UX Design Tools Research

For this task, we were asked to research on different UX Design Tools we as designers can use to work on UI/UX design. We were also asked to include research on online tools for free U1/UX elements such as logos, fonts and animation. By listing out the pros and cons, it allows us, designers, to determine the most suitable tool for each project

TASK 5- MyCEB Website Wireframe Design

TASK 6- MyCEB Mobile Responsive Site

For our last task, we as interns of the studio were asked to replicate the new and improved website design for a mobile responsive site. Each group was given a page of the website to make responsive to the dimension of a mobile phone. We had to use all the knowledge we gained from the previous classes regarding UX Design when it comes to font size to how images are arranged.
