
17/05/2021 - 28/06/2021 (WEEK8-WEEK14)
BEH YOKE TING (0346704)
3D Modeling
Project 2+Final Project



WEEK 8-17/05/2021
This week, I was looking for inspiration for project 2, and then I found Identity V, a game I play and follow more often. According to MIB and Mr. Safwan Anwar’s instructions, this project will focus on organic (curves and smooth surface) mesh building with the understanding of anatomy, muscle and proper mesh/topology flow implementation catering for rig setups and UVW Layouts for texturing. E.g. models ± human, monsters, vegetation etc.  So I use Identity V as a reference, designed a character that did not appear in the game-the chef. The following is my mood board:

Fig 1.1 Mood board
WEEK 9-24/05/2021
Then, under the guidance of Mr. Safwan Anwar and watched several teachings, l learned how to make a head and body. 

Fig 1.2 3D Modeling Tutorial 1

Fig 1.3 3D Modeling Tutorial 2

Nevertheless, it took me a week to complete the structure of the body. I did not record the photos of the failed head shapes, only a few pictures of the production process.

Fig 1.4 Head in process

Fig 1.5 Head
WEEK 10-31/05/2021
I also spent a long time on the hand part, and watched a few videos before finally deciding to make the hand according to this more suitable method.
Fig 2.1 Tutorial of hand

Fig 2.2 Hand in process

Fig 2.3 Hand
I think the process of making the feet and hands is similar, but in the end I found that it was very strange and it was a failure. So I looked for the tutorial on YouTube again to watch. My foot model looks a lot better after following this video.

Fig 3.1 Tutorial of leg

Fig 3.2 Leg
WEEK 11-07/06/2021
Next is the hair part. At the beginning I thought that the character's hair in the game was all one by one. So I used the online teaching method to make similar hair. As a result, Mr. Safwan Anwar said that the character's hair is all one piece, otherwise the model will be heavy in the game. TUTORIAL VIDEO FOR HAIR
Fig 4.1 Hair

The body parts such as hands, head, feet, body, I did it separately. Then, use vertex combine to center and other methods to combine them together. 
Fig 5.1 Hat

Fig 5.2 Eyes

Fig 5.3 Bottle
Fig 5.4 First draft
WEEK 12-14/06/2021
I did the whole body and the weapon in model‘s hand, and then found out that it was unnecessary during the consultation. However, I spend a lot of time on these unnecessary models,  I want to cry. Nevertheless, in this consultation, I still got a good model improvement and a more concise method to complete it.

Fig 6.1 Consultation with Mr. Safwan Anwar
Finally, I deleted the body covered by clothes and weapon (pan). Then I continue work on on Zbrush of more detail, such as wrinkles and color
. I also made the models separately in Zbrush, so in the end I need to combine them together. I used four of the textures of hair and clothes to make:

Fig 6.2 hair

Fig 6.3 Chef outfit

Fig 6.4 Chef apron

WEEK 13-21/06/2021
Then, I had a second consultation. In this consultation, Mr. Safwan Anwar gave me good suggestions and guidance to improve the problems I encountered, such as I can’t combine separate models together.

Fig 8.1 YouTube tutorial

Fig 7.1 Work in Zbrush

Fig 7.2 Back view

Fig 7.3 Side view

Fig 7.4 Front view
Fig 7.5 Close-up face
Fig 7.6 Close-up apron
Fig 7.7 Medium close up

Fig 7.8 Poster
Sketchfab version:
